Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Excellent training session

A great training session this afternoon working on a new team shape for 9 a side & also the basics of the offside rule.

I had feared this session would be a car crash, but no - I underestimated the lads again and they were soon making clever runs to beat the offside trap, playing through balls (at last) and keeping a high line. Thank goodness for FIFA 14 I say!

It's a shame the whole squad were not there as planned (last minute nose bleed!) as it would have been even better to have everyone learning at the same pace, but a big plus was our trial lad Callum, who is starting to come out of his shell & show he is a decent player with some lovely passing.

Nicely set up for the tournament at the weekend now, it will be interesting to see them play 9 a side and to see if they can cope with the offside rule after only an hour coaching.

Good luck lads!

Pre Season 9v9 Friendlies

The U11 squad welcomes invitations to play 9v9 pre season friends. The more the merrier!

Contact Jamie on 07740 530404

Monday, 2 June 2014


Our annual presentation event is upon us again.

Sunday 15th June 2014 4pm – 6:30pm

Hurn Bridge Sports Club, Avon Causeway, BH23 6DY

Tickets are £5 adult, £2.50 child. Basket meal included. PLAYERS ARE FREE

There will be season awards for all and special awards in the following categories:

Players, player of the year
Supporters Player of the Year (have you voted?)
Managers Player of the Year
Most Improved Player
Sportsman of the year
Highest Goalscorer

Please bring something for the raffle table also.

I wil have tickets with me for purchase at training and the tournament next week.

Please come along & celebrate our successful season!

Tournament Pace Sunday 8th June 2014

Here are the details for the tournament next Sunday, 8th June 2014


Parking/Programme is £2

No dogs

KO is 0930 – Players on pitch at 0900 please.

Games will be 9v9, 8 minute matches.

Home Kit but please have Away shirt with you in case of kit clash

£5 per player.

I am approaching this tournament as an opportunity to get a feel for 9v9 play. With no experience of this format, we can’t expect too much of the team.

Also, there will be two lads on trial – Callum & Ethan.

Training as normal this Wednesday at Littledown 5-6pm

Lastly, can I please draw all parents attention to the FA Respect Campaign. You should all have a card with the general rules to remind you. I noticed some negative, frustrated comments at the last tournament – during games. I also noticed some coaching of players from parents side. Please do not involve yourselves in either of these activities. We all get excited during the games, but the children get very confused if they have instructions from me & then something different from their parents whilst playing. As for the negative comments, please think how you would feel if you heard something said about your child’s efforts. Please remember that we have some new players who are just learning the game at this level and need all your support & encouragement. Let’s keep everything positive. Thanks in advance being good parents!

Tournament at Rossgarth Sunday 15th June 2014

On the same day as our presentation, we have the scheduled Rossgarth Youth Tournament in the morning.  Details of this have just arrived and are as follows:

Potterne Park, Verwood, BH21 6RS

This is the same place as we played Rossgarth at the end of last season (only on the grass – not astro pitch)

Home kit +away shirt (in case of clash)

0900 KO so 0830 on pitch.

Car park + programme £2

£5 per player

As my wife just pointed out to me, this is also Fathers Day – so along with the presentation in the evening, I understand if anyone would rather not attend this tournament. Please let me know if you cannot make it so I can make alternate arrangements.